When it Comes to Success, The Women at PRMG Know How to Lead!
/Congratulations are in order for Corissa Dailey, Samantha Zumwalt, Lori Porter, Karyn Weger, Kathleen Halbing, Shayna Laurel, and Lisa Brown! The women at PRMG have stepped up their game. These PRMG stars have been named in Scotsman Guide as Top Women Originators for 2021.
2020 was the first year any woman from PRMG was given this honor, announcing two winners, and now this year, there are seven! WOMEN ARE WINNING AT PRMG!
Within the top producing residential mortgage originators winners, Scotsman Guide did a separate contest to gauge the Top Women Originators. This is the industry's most comprehensive, verified rankings of the nation's top-producing residential mortgage brokers, originators, loan officers, and bankers. To qualify, these women have to have secured $40 million or more in production or closed 100 or more loans within the 2020 calendar year. Combining the total dollar volume earned by all the women featured in Scotsman Guide this year, they produced an average dollar volume of $62.1 million, that’s 58% higher than the previous year!
Lisa Brown
“Lisa Brown is amazing! Once a customer finds her, they will never let her go!!” - Mike Thomas
Kathleen Halbing
“Kathleen’s success is no coincidence, there isn’t a harder working person in the industry.” – Ryan Goldsmith
Shayna Laurel
“Shayna is the quintessential high-level, hard-driving, most humble mortgage professional. It is an honor and privilege to work along side of her.” - Frank Castanos
Samantha Zumwalt
“Sam Zumwalt is unstoppable! She has a never-ending fountain of energy that propels her through each day,” - Mike Thomas
Corissa Dailey
“Cori is one of the most professional and dignified loan officers I have ever worked with! She guides her clients every step of the way in their purchase or refinance experience. She answers her phone after working long hours and even on the weekends to keep her clients and business partners informed and up to date. Her clients all rant and rave about her. Thank you Cori, you’re the best !!!” - Brad Turpin
Lori Porter
“Lori Porter works tirelessly and goes above and beyond for her clients, always putting them first. In addition to putting countless hours in at the office, Lori teaches Agriculture Biology at Livermore High School, coaches a Livestock Judging team, and is a leader for both the local FFA chapter and 4-H club. Lori, her husband, and their children, also raise cattle and sheep. To say Lori is a go-getter is putting it mildly.” – Debra Rose
Karyn Weger
“Karyn Weger is an incredible woman. She is a persistent and skilled Loan Officer at work but also a devoted woman outside of the office. Nothing stops her from making sure her clients, friends, and family are happy and taken care of. I am so grateful to work for Karyn, and I look forward to learning as much as I can from her.” – Kayla Mcdade
Congratulations to our winners; these women stick out amongst their partners and peers with their exemplary work ethic and deserve every victory that comes along with this honor.
This honor is the exact reason why PRMG is the Progressively Better Lender and will continue to create a Path to Pivot, further growing the company in an upward direction. Congratulations again, we are all so proud of you!
To see the full list of Scotsman Guides Top Women Originators of 2021 click here