You Must Believe in Yourself - How One Person’s Faith in You, Can Change the Course of Your Life

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As a child I did childish things. This often earned the scorn of parents and adults who proceeded to share with me their displeasure and in many cases drive home the point that I was shutting doors to my own future and would fail to amount to much more than a laborer with no hope of advancement.

I rejected those comments but looking back, it was naïve to believe they did not impact me. Of course, this created self-doubt. In fact, all of us are a product or our environment growing up. We cannot help this and to deny such only postpones the required healing to truly live a life of abundance. What people say to us and the experiences we endure become part of our paradigm, our truth if you will and as such, becomes the driving force of our sub-conscious.

It was not until I enjoyed just a little success as a real estate agent that my paradigm began to change. I recall as if it were yesterday sitting with Wally Iman, my soon to be new manager at a competing firm and he asked me what I wanted to earn that year. I chose a figure much higher than I truly felt I could achieve, but I didn’t want to embarrass myself by setting a goal too low. Without flinching, he exclaimed; “No problem! Let me show you how.” Which he did and I met my goal and surpassed it quickly thereafter, never to look back.

The mere fact that this stranger believed in me with zero equivocation meant everything. His faith in me, combined with my own recent success, netted a confidence I had never before experienced. I felt invincible and became a top producer among my peers, became the youngest Mayor in my city’s history, became the President of a mortgage firm earning over seven figures, authored a financial literacy book and now run the Retail Division of one of the top twenty-five lenders in America. Thank you, Wally!

You need to believe in yourself and begin immediately speaking affirmations as to who you are, what you contribute to society, how you will make a difference and precisely how much money you will make while doing so. You were created to be extremely impactful on this world. You were perfect at birth and slowly over time you were conditioned to have self-doubt so that even when opportunities arose in your life, you would self-sabotage to remain in your comfort zone, no matter what that was. That is the power of your sub-conscious mind.

No more. It ends today. I have no idea if one or one hundred will read my words and have their own personal epiphany, but that matters not. What matters most is that I am putting it out there for you to read and hopefully absorb that you are powerful and capable of greatness and the only person holding you back is yourself. Stop it. You deserve better from yourself and the world deserves the best version of you to read and hopefully absorb that you are powerful and capable of greatness and the only person holding you back is yourself. Stop it. You deserve better from yourself and the world deserves the best version of you that you can create.

There are no excuses. It starts with you taking the first step, today. Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to give up for it, set your priorities and get to work. Life is a game and you need to get busy playing the game to win. You are a winner and in whatever way you have chosen to bless others, be the best. Never settle.

Focus on what you enjoy most about what it is that you do. Do you enjoy talking to others and asking for the opportunity to be of service, but dislike nagging borrowers for paperwork, entering data, constant follow up? Then play to your strengths and hire your weaknesses. Work for less per transaction and do a ton more transactions. Ask anyone like me who has been successful in business and they will likely tell you that they have never made more than when they made the least per transaction and focused on doing more volume with the help of others.

One final thought for today, anything worth having is worth fighting for. You are worth fighting for. And you must fight every single hour to beat down the negativity that has entered into your sub-conscious over your lifetime. The struggle will not be easy in the beginning and your consistency in this fight is what matters most. But if you will wage war against your current paradigm, a new one will emerge soon enough and the success you’ll realize in all areas of your life will be not just your reward, but the reward of all others who are blessed to encounter the best version of you.


Chris Sorensen, SVP/ Director of National Retail Production

Chris Sorensen is a thirty-plus-year veteran of the real estate and mortgage industry. Chris heads up all national retail production for PRMG. Earlier in his career, Chris rose above his peers quickly and became recognized as one of the top performers in both real estate and mortgage banking. Chris became President of a mid-size mortgage banking firm in the mid-1990’s located in Southern California and during this same time was recruited to run for office, becoming the youngest councilmen elected in his city’s history, before becoming Mayor. He founded a non-profit with the support of local and state government agencies and his book; Financial Sense To White Picket Fence, published by the State of California is used as a first-time home-buyer course for many.