Three of PRMG's Own Ranked in NAMMBA's Top 100!

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Paramount Residential Mortgage Group, Inc. would like to congratulate three of its loans officers for being part of the National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America’s (NAMMBA) Top 100.  

Congratulations to PRMG’s Kathleen Halbing, for being in the top 100 by volume and Mauricio Perez and Samantha Zumwalt for being in the top 100 ranking by units. This is the second year all three of our honorees have been named as part of the Top 100. September will big a big month for them, as they will be honored at NAMMBA Connect in Atlanta, GA on September 16-18, 2020.

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Every year NAMMBA compiles a list of top minorities and women in the nation who work in the mortgage industry. The top 100 is calculated by units and volume. Nominees must be women or minorities who originate loans with an active NMLS number. They also need a letter from their sales manager, confirming dollar volume and total units.

“PRMG is really excited to have Sam, Kathleen and Mauricio as part of the NAMMBA Top 100!  All three are incredible role models, not just for fellow Originators, but for the next generation of industry colleagues.  NAMMBA is the premier organization doing work in colleges everywhere getting students to be intentional about joining our industries rather than them falling into it by chance.  All the members of the Top 100 shows America’s diverse youth that they are welcome with open arms to join the mortgage and real estate industries,” says Kevin Peranio, Chief Lending Officer.

PRMG is dedicated to being progressively better and is continuously encouraging its Loan Officers to work smart by leveraging tech and continue to build those connections and relationships especially in today’s mortgage space.  Congratulations again and keep up all the hard work. To view the full top 100 list click here.