Marlene Hoover; PRMG Regional Manager, Added to NAHREP SoCal Inland Empire Chapter’s Board of Directors!
/Paramount Residential Mortgage Group, Inc. (PRMG) is already working on their multicultural initiative with NAHREP to promote sustainable homeownership amongst the Hispanic community.
Marlene Hoover, prmg regional manager (on the left).
Marlene Hoover, PRMG Regional Manager, was recently inducted into NAHREP’s Inland Empire Board of Directors’ as Director of Membership for 2018. She will manage adding and sustaining membership throughout the year. The Chapter’s goal is to raise their current membership up to 300 members in 2018!
The first event for the NAHREP SoCal Inland Empire Chapter is a Networking event for members being held on Tuesday, March 13th, 2018. (location tbd)
“Marlene exemplifies the spirit that the PRMG team has for expanding the homeownership opportunity for all. She has volunteered and promoted the Mission of NAHREP for many years. She has provided input and advocacy to the owners and management of PRMG on the need to have a Multicultural Initiative, her hard work and passion is the backbone of this initiative. Marlene will be the Co-Chair of the Ambassador Advisory Council that will provide guidance on how the NAHREP PRMG Partnership will be rolled out on a National basis”, said Chester Ruiz, VP of Multicultural Development.
Marlene is one of PRMG’s Multicultural Ambassadors and will further represent PRMG within the Hispanic real estate community. The national lender will be encouraging additional employees to not only sponsor but participate in influential multicultural organizations like NAHREP.