PRMG is Proud to Announce the Recent Hiring of Chester Ruiz, VP Multicultural Development to Shepherd their Multicultural Lending Efforts.

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PRMG has big plans going into 2018. With the recent hiring of Chester Ruiz, Vice President of Multicultural Development, the organization will be making a conscious effort to foster relationships with NAHREP (National Association of Hispanic Real Estate professionals), NAIREB (National Association of Independent Real Estate Brokers) NAREB (National Association of Real Estate Brokers), AREAA (Asian Real Estate Association of America) and other ethnic trade associations. “PRMG has always done business with ethnic and minority groups, however with Chester Ruiz coming on board, PRMG is now taking on the initiative to provide more resources and an open line of communication with minority borrowers”, said Kevin Peranio, Chief Lending Officer, PRMG.

As a member of NAHREP and over the last decade, Chester Ruiz has helped the mortgage industry grow in a more diverse way along with delivering a powerful message about the American Dream that rings true for everyone.  “We have so many audiences with different backgrounds in our business, however we believe there is a way to tie all of us together on our mission to help build communities through responsible lending”, said Peranio.

Paul Lucido, National Marketing Director, PRMG said, “It’s simply not about having marketing collateral and flyers available in Spanish. It’s about listening and providing clear communication. Having a mutual understanding of one another is vital, especially when speaking to many diverse groups in terms that they can relate to. This will help bring the conversation to the point of common ground -- all of which align with our core values toward providing stability, growth and upward mobility that come with Homeownership.”

As PRMG continues to make strides in 2018, they will make it part of their mission to be socially aware of their multicultural brothers and sisters.  Along with great leadership, strong messaging and a unique value proposition, they will continue to assist multicultural families achieve the American Dream of Homeownership by providing continual education, helping them to be well positioned for many generations to come.

Chester will be reporting directly to SVP, Director of National Retail Production; Chris Sorensen and can be reached at or 650.771.4831.